Our house has a new facelift now. We love the new color. It is taking us awhile to get use to the new look. We love it!! Back view with our new deck. We still have a few things on the deck. We are adding another set of stairs and a few little things left to do but is still usable.
Amber Ashley Youmans Jonathan Patoka(my nieces and nephew) and my parents The whole family including the other side of the grandparents A few of the boys from LIberty Ashley and Great Grandma Henry Jonathan making his way down the aisle
We were not planning on buying a new van but a part to a power steering was leaking fluid. Jospeh would ahve to put fluid in everyday. Joseph could not fix and since our van was already old we broke down and got a new one. We got the same van but new nad fully loaded. The kids love it. We are taking it to Durham today to see my nieces and nephew graduate. It even has the DVD in it. We got a great deal on it!! I have not even driven it yet.
We needed to do some home improvements to our house. We tore down our screened in porch and put a large deck. We now have the walls on the deck but still need the stairs. We are also getting siding. Our house will no longer be yellow.