This is our CindyLoo Hoo!!!! It was crazy hair night for Master Clubs so we went wild for the Campbells this is the best we can do. We do not have alot of wild streak in us. At camp they put coke bottles in there hair to make it stand up. Well Mollie's hair is not long enough for the little pint water bottles either so we went to tea set cups. They worked.

Titus went with spiked hair. So did Jeremiah but we did not get a picture because he went with dady to pick up a teen.
Wow, I'm impressed. Pretty wild!:) Titus looks pretty good!
Are you impressed we went wild? I know that is alot for the Campbell family we are pretty mellow people.
Any more wild and I would probably pass out:) Were there any REALLY wild kids? You should have gotten that colored spray and done their hair with blue stripes or something:0
I would have if i would have remembered ahead of time that we had crazy hair night but I did not look until after school to see what night it was. YOu know me last minute as usual.
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