Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Remodel of the kids bath

No longer rubber ducky

We had to get new vanity due to a kid leaving the water one. I will not tell who.

This is our new shower curtain. I will post when all done. Joseph is hoping to put the ceramic tile down soon. I have real handy man husband yeh!!!!


Titus to short to stand. Dad had to hold him tight which was a little bit hard but succeeded.
Jeremiah and Dad
jospeh had the priviledge of Baptizing Titus and Jeremiah on Sunday Night. Another little boy was baptize on Sun. Morn and we had been praying for Jeremiah especially about doing it. He is 9 but was scared of being infront of people. So we bluntly said that he could not move forward spiritually without obedience to God on this matter. He agreed humbly and went forward. Titus followed.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Catching Up!!!

I am famous about leaving my pictures on my camera and not doing anything about it. I tried today to catch up !! Sorry about the month of June pictures. I will try to be better. As for July well We go to camp the week of the 16th so you know that will be busy. Starting today we are going to remodel the kids bathroom. Pray we get it done.

JUlY 4th

Naalie and her children.
We went to the little town of Waxhaw to see the fireworks. While we were there the Abbotts and the Lees were there. While we were waiting for the traffic to leave we talked and the kids played. They all rode the horse. We were outside a Dollar General store having a good time. Silas for being 10-11 at night was doing prety good. He still has a smile and was not bothered by the noise of the fireworks.

Backyard Pool

Little blow up pool. The kids enjoy it a little bit each day. I hate cleaning them but the kids love them. All for the love of the kids.

Pulled Up

I am pulled up but can not go anywhere. I am stuck !!!


Last week was NBT week which is alot for us. Late Nights and Busy days. Titus had a Mexican story of a little boy all week and the night of the program they wore Sombreros and ponchos to perform in. He got to keep the sombrero which he is excited about.

I can pull up

We found him one nap time pull up in his bed. He was so excited that he just squealed as loud has he could. Now he pulls up often.

Once he pulls up he cannot go anywhere. He just stands there. He can not move his feet or his hands.

Pool at the Y

When we would take Jeremiah for swim lesson which he had at 8:30 in the morning I would bring the other ones to the splash park. I am not a fan of going to public pools or mix swimming but we were so early that there were only a few people there. Once it got 10 everyone came and we would leave.

Jeremiah in swim class

I signed Jeremiah up for swim lessons before he went to the Wilds.
He learned alot and enjoyed the water. This was the first two weeks of June and the water was cold.

Mollie with her watermelon teeth

We had a family come over and show us how to make watermelon teeth with the rhine.