Monday, January 28, 2008

What has been happening

It has been awhile since I have posted Mollie, Titus and Silas have all had strep last week. We went to the Dr. about everyday it seemed with one of the them. They seem to be doing well. Silas has a really bad cold on top of it that has to be viral because he is already on an antibotic but we will see. I did not even go to church yesterday.

On Thurs. We left to go to Crown college in Tenn. None of us have ever been there. We took about 7 teens that were interested in the school. One defintely loved it and felt at home there. It is a beautiful place and if you love history they have really shown Biblical history in the college hallways. I was impressed. We took Silas and TItus with us and they enjoyed it. Mollie and Jeremiah stayed here with Pastor Waller due to school and stuff.

We are here but very tired and tired of being sick.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The kids in the room

The kids under Titus's bed
All fo them with Silas crying he did not want to get under the bed.
We bought the boys new comforters when we moved Jeremiah in with Titus.
Our camera was going bad we have this white cloud in all the pictures.
We just got a new one this week. A Kodak easy share.